Irish Cob Norway website

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Welcome to Irish Cob Norway website


Irish Cobs

 The horse that is born whit a heart of gold.


Irish Cob Norge under Nederland ble opprettet i 2009.
Dette for å hjelpe eiere av Irish Cob til å få sine hester registrert.
Det fantes ikke noen stambok for rasen i Norge .
Vi inngikk derfor et samarbeid med ICSNL og registrerer hestene der.
Vi forplikter oss til å følge regler gitt av The Irish Cob Society Linited, og Europeiske lover for hesteavl.

Kontakt oss her


Melding fra ICSNL
Irish Cob Society Netherlands wants to support owners of Irish Cobs and horses that confirm with the Irish Cob breed standard to register in the approved ICS-NL studbook.
Tommy Kålheim will be the key person and representative of ICS-NL in Norway, Start of the activities will be an inspection of Irish Cobs in Tana on April 7, 2009.
Allowed for registration in the studbook are stalions, mares, foals and geldings that confirm the Irish Cob breed standard.
If an EU approved horse passport is present, a note will be made in the passport that the horse is registered as Irish Cob
If no passport is present ICS-NL will provide an EU-Approved passport.
Irish Cob Society Netherlands is an EU-approved studbook which registered over 8.000 Irish Cobs.
It is the far biggest studbook for Anglo-Saxon coloured horses in the world.
For more information visit the ICS-NL web site on, or the Internet studbook on
If you want to be part of it, contact Tommy!
Regards ICS-NL
Luke Skywalker in drawings


Irish Cob i Norge

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    Rase standard
    Bli Medlem av ICS-NL
    Om IC Nederland

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